Friday, 23 November 2012

Tax free investment - MIM Enhanced Cash XIII Fund


MIM Enhanced Cash XIII Fund ("MIMECXIII" or "the Fund") is a Short Term money market fund that aims to:

  • invest in instruments which generate tax exempted income
  • provide regular income that is potentially higher than prevailling money market and traditional fixed bank deposits
  • provide stability of capital and a high level of liquidity.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know the proper accounting treatment for this fund? Where should we categorise it in our financial statements? Some treated it as Loans and Receivables (LR) and others treated it either Fair Value through profit or loss (FVTPL) or Available for Sale (AFS). It is so hard to determine where to put as it has all the criterias of short term deposits but feature like unit trust. Please help me if you could.
